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Horse is an Open Startup, this means the metrics are shared publicly. We do this to be transparent and hopefully inspire others to build their own businesses too. The app itself is fully private, Horse is made in the 🇪🇺 European Union and therefore doesn't collect any telemetry, these statistics are based on update checks and licence checks the servers receive.

Last updated: less than a minute ago
Monthly Return Revenue

This graph shows the monthly return revenue (MRR). We use the same formula used by Stripe. It is purely active subscriptions.

¹To break even on our running server and infrastructure costs, we need to reach $500 per month.

²This would provide a $1k salary each for Elly and Pascal.

³This allows hiring engineering help so Pascal can focus on the user experience instead of bug fixes.


This graph shows the monthly revenue, which is the sum of all incoming payments.


Horse has no free trial or free tier. Conversion is calculated by dividing the number of unique website visitors by the number of purchases.

¹Pieter Levels recommends a 0.2% conversion rate for independent startups using this very metric.

²We adjusted our target to 1% in October 2024, as early-stage products typically need higher conversion rates before network effects kick in.


This graph shows the number of visitors per month on the website.

Total Riders

This graph shows the number of riders who have an active licence for Horse.

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The internet browser that's designed for research. Organise notes and websites into projects, have all your work in one place, and get more done.

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Japanese TeasGoogle Search
Green TeaWikipedia
Matcha TeaWikipedia
Sencha TeaWikipedia


Sencha Tea

Sencha (煎茶) is a type of Japanese ryokucha (緑茶, green tea) which is prepared by infusing the processed whole tea leaves in hot water. This is as opposed to matcha (抹茶), powdered Japanese green tea, where the green tea powder is mixed with hot water and therefore the leaf itself is included in the beverage. Sencha is the most popular tea in Japan. It represents about 80 percent of the tea produced in Japan.

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Horse Mailing ListIssue #12
Turn your Browser into the ultimate Research system.

You don't need a todo list, or a notes app. Your browser can do these things. But it should be more integrated than simply loading a website. This is where Horse comes in, with built-in productivity features that make your browser a powerful tool.

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Pascal and Elly at Disneysea Tokyo
About us

Hello! We're Elly and Pascal. Thank you for supporting our little indie browser. Read on for the personal Trails® that brought us to where we are today.

Pascal and Elly at Disneysea Tokyo